The above item speaks for itself. But for those looking to minimize rather than maximize, consider the Camel Toe Protector (coming soon!).
Having trouble finding the right gift for Mother's Day? Girlfriend been sporting a bit too much toe lately? Secretary offending clients or co-workers with gratuitous crotch cleavage? Then the Camel Toe Protector (patent pending) may be your salvation. The perfect gift for any occasion -- Senior Prom, Arbor Day, Kwanza, Hillary Clinton's Inauguration -- what woman wouldn't appreciate the protection this thoughtful prosthetic device provides? How do you think Madonna achieved such a flawless and confident toe-free look while working those notoriously revealing leotards in her "Hung Up" and "Sorry" videos? Sure, flaunting those lower lips can give a gal the edge in certain situations, and Vagenda's Beaver Lodge applauds a woman's right to choose. But for more discreet dames who'd rather keep the beef curtains under wraps and hidden from probing paparazzi or any other unintended audiences, the Camel Toe Protector is one accoutrement you won't want to leave home without.
Having trouble finding the right gift for Mother's Day? Girlfriend been sporting a bit too much toe lately? Secretary offending clients or co-workers with gratuitous crotch cleavage? Then the Camel Toe Protector (patent pending) may be your salvation. The perfect gift for any occasion -- Senior Prom, Arbor Day, Kwanza, Hillary Clinton's Inauguration -- what woman wouldn't appreciate the protection this thoughtful prosthetic device provides? How do you think Madonna achieved such a flawless and confident toe-free look while working those notoriously revealing leotards in her "Hung Up" and "Sorry" videos? Sure, flaunting those lower lips can give a gal the edge in certain situations, and Vagenda's Beaver Lodge applauds a woman's right to choose. But for more discreet dames who'd rather keep the beef curtains under wraps and hidden from probing paparazzi or any other unintended audiences, the Camel Toe Protector is one accoutrement you won't want to leave home without.
I still love this and all the Vagenda commentary as well xoxo Nurse
I so want one in the cougar size. I play softball on a co ed team and would be hilarious as a gag when playing ball. especially in skin tight baseball pants.
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